Member Responsibilities

What does it mean to be a member of Sligo Creek Co-op? Lots of things!

We're a "co-operative" because we work alongside one another to make SCC a true community. This means that each family at SCC is expected to take on responsibilities so that we may continue to offer opportunities for learning and community building. We are all in this together!

Here is a list of the responsibilities of each member family:

  • TEACHER/ROOM MONITOR: An adult in each family is expected to teach and/or monitor two class periods per week. 

The teacher is responsible for preparing the materials and content for the class and presenting instruction or coordinating class activities.

The room monitor serves as a second adult in the room. The room monitor may be asked to assist the teacher in distributing materials or managing the students.

Some classes have two lead teachers, or a lead teacher and co-teacher, who jointly prepare material and teach. In this case, a room monitor is not needed.

  • ON-SITE JOBS: Each family signs up for a designated number of jobs slots each semester.  Job slots are between 30 minutes and 2 hours and are performed on site during the days when the co-op meets.  Jobs include monitoring the front door, helping with set up, and helping with clean up. 

  • COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP: Each family should sign up to join one or more of the following committees: Facilities, Events, Community Service, Classes, Membership, or Board of Directors.

  • CLASS PLANNING: As SCC plans classes for each semester, families are asked to suggest classes they’d like to see offered, or they'd like to teach themselves. 


Fortunately, since we all pitch in, "many hands make light work" and the responsibilities of membership are pretty easy to fulfill!